Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Beautify Directories And Filenames with Path Tool Long Auto Fixer

Do you need to beautify your directory and filenames in bulk? 

External and Internal audits can embarrass your company by exposing some rather nasty filenames and sud-directory names.

 Directory of C:\Users\Uranus\Documents\ConsumerProductsResearh 

14-Dec-22  12:36 AM    <DIR>          .
14-Dec-22  12:36 AM    <DIR>          ..
01-Mar-21  09:41 PM         2,043,416 RyersonFinalReport-Flush
14-Dec-22  12:36 AM                 0 UnfuckingBelievable.txt
               2 File(s)      2,043,416 bytes
               2 Dir(s)  26,545,594,368 bytes free

Path Too Long Auto Fixer
 is the 1st tool that discovers, reports and auto corrects filenames and paths that are too long to fit under the MAXPATH 260 character limit in bulk. 

As part of the advanced features, it can filter words or do a search and replace of words in all of your directories in bulk.

Not only that it will check if those paths are too long, which you may not even be aware of. Path Tool Long error basically means you cannot copy the file from its current place, whether to a different location, to the cloud, to an external hard-drive or USB stick. Corporate back-ups are probably not work as well. It a subtle error often overlooked. 

Check out Path Tool Long Auto Fixer tool here.